Sr. No.: Serial number of items/products.
Product Description: Description of the Product.
HSE/SAC Codes: HSN code of goods or Accounting Code of services.
Qty: Quantity of goods supplied.
Units: Unit of the product like meters, pcs, kgs etc.
Rate: Rate/unit of Product.
Disc.: Discount if applicable.
Taxable Value: Total Sale – Discount = Taxable Value.
Total Sale: Total amount of sales done. The formula applied here is Quantity X Rate.
SGST: The rate is the applicable rate of SGST which is to be entered manually. The Amount is the Taxable Value X Rate of SGST.
IGST: The rate is the applicable rate of IGST which is to be entered manually. The Amount is the Taxable Value X Rate of IGST.
CGST: This column has 2 subdivisions. The Rate and the Amount. The rate is the applicable rate of CGST which is to be entered manually. The Amount is the Taxable Value X Rate of CGST.